Who We Are

Michael-Thomas executive Search has 20 years of leadership recruiting and consulting. We have built a reputation delivering real impact for our clients—from large companies to entrepreneurial organizations globally both publicly and privately held.
Our values: Committed, focused, relationships and collaboration in recruiting excellence.
Leadership decisions are critical and yet deeply personal for those involved. These decisions affect performance and reputations of organizations and the careers of individuals. We handle our relationships with clients and candidates with the utmost care, offering advice and candor. Our focus is to develop long term relationships with clients and candidates. We make it our business to know the top management and executives well. We develop a rapport with each candidate to know their skills, motivation, how they have made a successful track record of their careers, their professional aspirations and the cultural environments in which they thrive in.

We will collaborate with you the client to ensure that we identify the best talent, right industry and ideal fit to your important search assignment that we take on.

Our approach: Focused and tailored.
The best leaders have the right insight on industry trends, critical functions and the ability to successful in specific roles. It also about cultural fit and team effectiveness. With our knowledge, methodologies and industry expertise we will help you select and develop outstanding leaders that will improve performance of teams, increase employee engagement and align organizational culture with strategy.

Our success and reputation is based on the time to diagnose the relevant strategic, organizational and business context as part of every assignment we take on. Bottom line is we tailor our approach to the specific needs for your organization